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NTIRE offers implicit bias awareness and mitigation trainings via 1) in-person sessions, 2) live webinars, and 3) self-paced

online curriculum (in process). 


AUDIENCE. NTIRE has developed customized anti-bias trainings for each of the following groups: 

  • Criminal Justice: police, probation, and corrections officers; prosecutors; judges; court staff; investigators; 911 operators, and oversight boards

  • Healthcare: doctors, nurses, technicians, medical students, general healthcare staff, insurance staff, public health staff, mental health professionals, health/hospital administrators, and first responders/paramedics

  • Education: teachers, school counselors, principals, administrators and other school building personnel; school boards, certification boards, county and state school boards/staff,  parent advocates, parent associations and supplementary education programs

  • Government and Social Services: social workers, case workers, front-line service providers city/county/state/federal staff and administrators

  • Corporations: frontline/entry level employees, supervisors, managers, senior leaders and boards of directors

  • Non-Profit Organizations: foundation staff (family, corporate,etc.), community service organizations, non-governmental organizations, boards of trustees/directors



  • In-person 1.5 - 5 hours; audience size is flexible​

  • Live Webinar: 1.5 - 3 hours; up to 1000 participants per session​

  • Online Learning Management System (coming soon)


For training quotes, please send an email to or call ‭(929) 352-5880



As part of their Brake Your Bias curriculum, Dr. Marks and the NTIRE team have developed two implicit bias trainings: 1) Implicit Bias Awareness (IB 101) and 2) Implicit Bias Mitigation (IB 201). These trainings are delivered via live webinars and in-person (in-person trainings are on-hold during COVID-19). Each of them has been customized for the above-mentioned groups in the "AUDIENCE" section.



IB 101 places emphasis on the individual. It addresses the following questions:  

  1. What is implicit bias?

  2. What does implicit bias look like in the real world?

  3. What causes implicit bias?

  4. How is implicit bias measured?

  5. How does implicit bias affect the person who holds the bias?

  6. How does implicit bias affect the attitudes and behaviors of the target group?

  7. How can implicit bias be reduced/managed at the individual level?


IB 201 places emphasis on the organization. It will cover the following:

  • Homework assignments from IB 101

  • Review and discussion of implicit bias in the employee life cycle: hiring, talent development, promotion, and exit.

  • Three step model for addressing implicit bias in organizations: assessment, awareness, taking action

  • The three components of a bias management action plan: transparency, objective standards, and accountability

  • The potential impact of implicit bias on performance evaluations, team dynamics, and decision making in the workplace

  • Small working group discussions regarding potential implementation of several recommended practices/policies from social scientists that are expected to reduce bias at the personal and organizational levels. This dialogue will include:

    • Identifying recommendations that are already being implemented as well as the challenges, lessons learned, and impact of each implemented recommendation

    • Selecting 2-3 new recommendations that can be implemented in the short-term

    • Identifying challenges and solutions to implementing the new 2-3 recommendations

    • Creating a list of concrete next steps toward implementation of recommendations

  • An overview of follow-up activities and materials that will reinforce workshop information and increase the likelihood of long-term impact


As much as possible, IB 201 content will be adjusted to reflect the following aspects of each group of participants:

  • Industry/Sector (for-profit, non-profit, criminal justice, education, etc.)

  • Role (police officer, teacher, physician, consultant, etc.)

  • Rank (board members, senior leaders, middle management, frontline/support staff, etc.)


It is strongly recommended that participants take IB 101 prior to IB 201. IB 201 will refer to definitions, research, and other content from IB 101.

Both Trainings Include:

  • Innovative, engaging, humorous, and motivational delivery of content

  • Highly interactive and introspective exercises

  • Small group dialogue of sensitive topics related to working with males of color as a case study

  • The use of compelling videos, images, and other media

  • An overview of national, industry-specific data disaggregated by race and gender

  • A discussion of implicit bias from the target’s perspective

  • Participants completing a measure of implicit bias and discussing the results

  • Anonymous audience polling and display of results in real-time. Responses are used as a basis for discussing sensitive topics and to allow participants to see how their attitudes or experiences compare to others. These results are saved as graphs and provided to the organizers.

Recommended Audiences

  • Implicit bias training is strongly recommended for law enforcement, education, judiciary, corporate, non-profits, philanthropy, community, city/county government, and healthcare organizations as well as other entities in which implicit bias has been shown to significant impact important life outcomes for large groups of citizens.


*A percentage of all proceeds from NTIRE’s revenue is donated to Morehouse College to support the education of young males of color.

Implicit bias


Broadly speaking, group-based bias involves varying degrees of stereotyping (exaggerated beliefs about others), prejudice (dis/liking others), and/or discrimination (unequal treatment of others) that occur above or below conscious awareness. Scholars have labeled the subconscious form of group-based bias implicit or unconscious bias. Implicit bias is primarily seen as an attitude or stereotype held about social groups below conscious awareness. Implicit bias has become very important to understand given the decreased frequency of Americans to freely and openly express negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors regarding other racial groups. Implicit bias is everywhere and affects everyone. We all have implicit bias. The impact of our implicit bias on others, however, significantly depends on our social and professional roles in society. Bias held by educators, police officers, physicians, prosecutors and criminal court judges can significantly affect the life outcomes of large segments of society.


Research has revealed that many Americans show a positive implicit bias toward White Americans vs. African Americans, young vs. old and fit vs. obese. Showing a preference for or against any particular group does not mean that a person is prejudiced or will discriminate, but it does suggest that s/he has been repeatedly exposed to certain associations between specific groups and specific traits/characteristics and have stored them in memory. These associations are often very strong and difficult to undue without deliberate effort or ongoing training. It is possible, however, to implement practices or policies that reduce the likelihood that implicitly biased beliefs will lead to biased behaviors.

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